Ejercicios reported speech bachillerato pdf

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Trabajo de verano Curso: 2º BACHILLERATO

1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria

1º de Bachillerato - REPORTED SPEECH. 1.- WHAT IS REPORTED SPEECH? In direct speech we repeat exactly what someone said: He said 'I don't like  Lots of reported speech exercises - practise using free interactive quizzes. Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here). May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. Reported Statements Mixed Exercise. Change this direct speech into reported speech: 1. “He works in a  17 Abr 2017 lunes, 17 de abril de 2017. REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES + KEY (2º BACHILLERATO). Exercise 1. REPORTED  SET 4 ANSWERS MIXED TENSES.pdf. Documento Adobe USED TO ANSWERS.pdf REWRITING USED TO .pdf REPORTED SPEECH PRACTICE.doc. English Practice Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets RS003 - Reported Speech · RS002 - Reported Speech - Mixed Exercises · RS001 

Mar 27, 2016 · En este segundo vídeo del estilo indirecto vamos a ver como funcionan las órdenes, peticiones y sugerencias. Si te gusta dale a like y suscríbete. También … RAFAEL CANO: ENGLISH LESSONS: BACH_IES FELIPE SOLIS - MODAL VERBS_ REPHRASING (en el margen izquierdo hay que hacer los enlaces que ponen MODAL VERBS 1,2,3 y4) Carpeta: Inglés - Ntra. Sra. del Buen Consejo Colegio de Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato. Toggle navigation Ntra. Sra. del Buen Consejo Ejercicios on line para practicar Modal Verbs.

1ST TERM - Página Jimdo de cristinasantavictoria Chicos aquí tenéis resueltas las 60 primeras oraciones de activa a pasiva para que podáis repasar para el examen de evaluación. REPORTED SPEECH | ENGLISH FOR BACHILLERATO verbs for reported speech 1 2 rephrasing: affirmative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 rephrasing: questions: 1 2 3 rephrasing: imperative 1 2 mixed sentences 1 2 4º ESO: Reported Speech. Exercises with answer key ...

Reported statements: Answers. 1. She said (that) he worked in a bank. 2. She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night (the night before). 3. She said 

Reported Speech – Answers A 1. said 4. ordered 2. suggested 5. apologised 3. advised B 1. a 4. b 2. a 5. b 3. b 6. b C 1. “I was ill last week,” said Jane. Trabajo de verano Curso: 2º BACHILLERATO Trabajo de verano 2º BACHILLERATO Estimados alumnos: os recomendamos trabajar los contenidos del curso para repasar. Para ello, podéis utilizar el libro de texto, en sus apéndices se explican los 2º bachillerato. Actividades refuerzo de reported speech ... 2º bachillerato. Actividades refuerzo de reported speech: statements and questions Morning, en este enlace teneis una buena bateria de actividades de todo el reported speech. The spokesman said: “I can’t understand why billiards has ... REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES Change the following sentences into reported speech. 1. The spokesman said: “I can’t understand why billiards has been prohibited.”


2º bachillerato. Actividades refuerzo de reported speech ...

Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Reported Speech . B1 Grammar topics

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